Diaspora Engagement

The USA is home to one of the largest Caribbean/African diaspora populations. The Diaspora Engagement Panel will have Caribbean/African entrepreneurs and creators share insights on the important choices they have made along their journey. Through dialogue, we will explore innovative ways to invest in Africa and the Caribbean through mediums such as technology, business, art, and travel.

African Continental Free Trade Area: Promoting an Africa of States or Uplifting the State of Africa

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is the largest trade integration arrangement since the World Trade Organization was founded in 1994. By eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers to intra-African trade, AfCFTA holds the transformative power to uplift the continent’s ranking in the global political economy and theoretically improve its overall peace and security–a key element to attracting sustainable investment. The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa estimates that the agreement has the potential to raise intra-African trade from 15% to 25% by 2040. This would create opportunities for states to offer incentives that expand their manufacturing industry and decrease reliance on non-African economies–signaling a major shift away from the colonial legacy of extraction. 

However, two questions will determine the success of this pan-Africanist trade agreement: How are disputes involving existing trade arrangements being resolved and how are regional economic equilibriums being managed? The only way forward for our people is together. 

The African Digital Revolution & Cyber Diplomacy: Speak up!

With tech hubs launching around the continent, Africa is consistently proving itself as an essential market for emerging technologies. As such, our people deserve a seat at the table in the ongoing, international Cyber Diplomacy conversation. Without an African voice helping set the rules, it opens itself to a new form of exploitation. Alongside developing their diplomatic voice in the Cyberspace, African governments must implement programs in order to continue boosting the technological capacity of the continent. 

To accomplish both of these goals, intra-African conversations must be had to determine how governments can best leverage its two major assets–a booming private sector in countries with high cyber maturity/internet penetration and the fastest-growing, most youthful population in the world. 

Tourism as a Tool for Economic Growth: Lessons from the Caribbean

Tourism is one of the most important economic activities in the Caribbean, contributing a third to half of the GDP in most countries (The World Bank). Whether tourism is land-based, or via cruise ships, Caribbean countries rely on their natural environment as the main lure to visitors (as well as an important source of welfare for their citizens.)

The way to go for Africa will be to pick critical lessons from countries in the Caribbean on how to improve the tourism sector on the continent. Africa is rich in natural resources just like the Caribbean. It stands to reason that tourism in Africa, contributing 4.4% to the continent’s GDP as of 2021 (Statista) should be seeing as much growth as the Caribbean.

The Tourism Panel will comprise tourism experts and operators from both sides (Africa and the Caribbean).